When someone is arrested, they become flooded with emotions that can lead them to say things that could be used against them. This is why it is a good idea to have a criminal defense lawyer serving Rockville MD on your side.
A lawyer can help you manage a criminal case with ease. They can also protect your State and Federal constitutional rights.
Defending Against Criminal Charges
If you have been charged with a crime, having an experienced defense attorney on your side may save your record and reputation long into the future. Criminal lawyers have strategies and tactics that they can use to successfully defend you against any type of charge.
The prosecution must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt, and a criminal lawyer can help you challenge that burden of proof in court. This requires a skillful attorney who can go toe-to-toe with the prosecutor and think on their feet.
Our Rockville, Maryland criminal defense attorneys can help with murder charges, manslaughter, motor vehicle homicide, sexual offenses, robbery, theft, possession of illegal pornography and white collar crimes.
Tracking Down a Friend or Loved One
If someone is charged with a criminal offense in Maryland, they should seek out an experienced defense lawyer. An attorney could determine if there is a possibility for a case dismissal, explore plea bargain options, or defend the client at trial.
A Rockville criminal lawyer can also review police reports and other information the prosecution turns over. The lawyer would scrutinize the materials to make sure law enforcement did not violate an individual’s rights during a search or arrest.
A lawyer who is familiar with mental health issues can help in cases involving competency and not guilty by reason of insanity type defenses. They could also be helpful in defending clients who are licensed professionals or hold certifications or security clearances of various levels.
Defending Against Misdemeanor or Felony Charges
If you are charged with a criminal offense, it can have far reaching consequences. Even a misdemeanor conviction can impact your career, your personal life and your reputation for years to come.
A savvy Rockville criminal defense attorney can review your case details, develop your defense strategy and defend your rights throughout the criminal court process. He or she can also negotiate a favorable resolution to your case before trial, including a plea bargain.
Felonies carry much higher penalties than misdemeanors, including a minimum of a year (and sometimes decades) in prison. A felony conviction can also have serious consequences with your employment, professional licenses and other opportunities.
Defending Against Drug Charges
When someone is charged with the sale, trafficking or conspiracy to sell or traffic cocaine, Marijuana, GHB or designer drugs or other serious offenses they need a criminal defense attorney to aggressively defend them against these charges. This includes challenging the chain of custody and examining all evidence for errors including how the drugs were discovered.
Individuals that don’t hire an attorney and are questioned by police may make a mistake of agreeing to searches or making statements that can be used against them. Rockville Criminal Defense Attorney Rene Sandler is well versed in competency and insanity type defenses as well as mental health issues when defending against drug charges.
Defending Against DUI or DWI Charges
When a person is arrested on DUI or DWI charges, the consequences can be life changing. They can include losing their driving privileges, having to install an Ignition Interlock and paying steep fines.
A criminal defense attorney can defend against these serious charges by challenging evidence and examining whether police violated the person’s rights during the investigation or arrest. They can also use legal strategies to help reduce the charges or win a dismissal of them.
People should never drink and drive and take cabs or public transportation when going to restaurants, parties and other social gatherings. If they do end up being charged with DUI or DWI, a Rockville lawyer can help them defend themselves in court.
Defending Against Traffic Charges
A successful defense strategy against traffic charges requires a lawyer who can go toe-to-toe with the prosecutor and think on their feet. A Rockville criminal attorney who has experience with traffic-related cases can build a strong case for your innocence.
For example, a ticket for speeding could be beat by presenting evidence that you were forced to violate the law in order to prevent harm to yourself or others. This is called the legal necessity defense and it involves showing that the risk of a serious injury outweighed the danger of obeying the law.
A criminal conviction can ruin your life with fines, jail time and a stigma that stays with you for years. A Rockville criminal defense lawyer can defend you against misdemeanors, felonies and traffic charges to keep you out of prison.