A DC traffic lawyer could help a driver avoid penalties like major fines, suspended or revoked driving privileges, and increased insurance premiums. A skilled attorney could review an individual’s charges and determine if they are liable or if it is worth a fight.
While it may seem minor, a ticket could have a lasting impact on a person’s driving record. Fortunately, all traffic violations can be contested and an experienced lawyer could work to reduce or eliminate a traffic offense charge.
Traffic Tickets
Getting a traffic ticket in the nation’s capital isn’t something most drivers expect. However, a skilled DC traffic lawyer from Scrofano Law PC can review your case from the initial stop to your hearing and work with you throughout the judicial process. By analyzing police procedures and evidence in your case, a DC Traffic Attorney can help ensure that any fines and associated points are minimized or reduced if you are found responsible for a traffic violation.
It is important to fight any traffic tickets you receive because even minor citations can have severe consequences. They can lead to points on your driving record, suspension of your driver’s license, and increased insurance premiums, especially if you are a commercial driver. Some traffic offenses can also result in a criminal charge, such as Operating After Suspended License (OAS) or criminal reckless driving, which can have long-lasting effects on your personal and professional life. A knowledgeable DC traffic lawyer can provide the best advice and guidance for your situation.
Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is one of the most serious traffic offenses and carries with it criminal penalties like fines and jail time. A DC traffic attorney can help you fight the charge and may be able to reduce it or have it dropped completely. Reckless driving is defined as driving with a willful disregard for the safety of others. It is more serious than driving carelessly and is a crime. Having a reckless driving conviction on your record can make it difficult to get a job, rent an apartment, or even apply for school.
To be convicted of this offense, the prosecutor or District Attorney’s Office (DA) must show that you disregarded the safety of other drivers and were more than just negligent behind the wheel. The DA also must prove that you were willfully disregarding any consequences of your actions. If convicted, you could spend up to 30 days in jail for the first offense.
Operating After Suspended License (OAS)
Many people may not realize that operating after a suspension of their license (OAS) is a criminal offense. It can lead to jail time, heavy fines, the loss of a job, the inability to obtain a security clearance or even a license, and can result in a permanent mark on your record.
It is important to contact a DC traffic lawyer as soon as possible after an arrest for OAS or other driving related charges. A skilled attorney will be able to make a case for your innocence to the prosecutors, or defend against the charges entirely.
A DC criminal traffic defense attorney has a thorough understanding of the local traffic laws and court procedures. They can analyze the evidence and police procedure in your case, and may be able to have the charges reduced or dismissed completely. This is particularly true for serious traffic offenses like fleeing and DUI charges. A good attorney can also fight to keep points off your record.
Getting pulled over and cited for speeding can be a nightmare for drivers. Not only does a ticket carry fines, but it can also cause an increase in insurance rates and lead to license suspension. A DC traffic lawyer can help fight a speeding ticket and keep your record clean. A lawyer can negotiate with the hearing examiner to reduce a fine, waive points, and help you get work privileges if your license is suspended.
Whether it is for a minor traffic infraction or a criminal misdemeanor or felony, it’s always best to employ a Washington DC traffic lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected from start to finish. A lawyer can fight the traffic citation at the Department of Motor Vehicles, and they can fight any other charges that may be filed in the court system. If you are facing any type of traffic offense, reach out to a DC traffic attorney for a free consultation.