So, you want to know how long to leave toner in your hair? Well, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to that question – it all depends on the type of toner you’re using and what kind of results you’re hoping to achieve. This is why it’s really important to go to a hair salon that specializes in hair coloring. However, we can give you a few general guidelines to help you out. Keep reading to find out more expert tips from a hair salon owner!
If you’re using a toner for the first time, start with 5 minutes and work your way up to 20
If you’re new to toners, there’s no need to start off with a full 20-minute session. Instead, take it slow and start with just five minutes of toning your skin. As your skin adjusts, you can gradually increase the amount of time up to 20 minutes. Treat yourself to the hair salon experience right home—without worrying about breaking the bank. And just like that, you’ve sent your skincare routine into overdrive!
If you have light hair, leave the toner in for 5-10 minutes
If your hair is naturally light or already lightened, you can add a toner for an extra refreshing and enhancing touch. Whether you’re trying to spruce up natural blonde or add some cool or warm hues to lighter locks, the best way to make sure you get the perfect color is to time it just right! A good rule of thumb is leaving a toner in 5-10 minutes – 10 minutes, the maximum. That will give you all the tones and hues of your dreams while protecting against all risks of overprocessing and any damage that can occur. So next time you reach for those lightening products, set aside those extra few minutes to ensure success!
If you have dark hair, leave the toner in for 10-20 minutes.
While everyone has their own tonality, dark hair tends to need a bit more loving care in the toning department. Say goodbye to ashy grey hair and welcome vibrancy and warmth with open arms; if you have dark hair, leave the toner in for 10-20 minutes. This will give your locks a subtle boost of color without going completely overboard. With just a few extra minutes spent investing in proper toning, you can bring out the beauty of your luscious dark locks!
If you have very damaged hair, leave the toner in for no more than 5 minutes.
For anyone trying to achieve the perfect custom shade, it’s an important rule to remember: if your hair is already weak or damaged, leave the toner in for at most five minutes. You should never over-tone — otherwise, the consequences can be disastrous! Sure, there’s a chance you’ll get those unicorn shades you crave…but there’s also a chance your hair turns into a science experiment gone wrong. So, with all that said, maybe it’s better to err on the side of caution here — ask your stylist before heading down to color town.
Always follow the instructions on the package – some toners require different application times
Regarding skincare, following the package instructions is just like baking: always follow the recipe. You may think you know better, but your concoction won’t turn out right if you stray from what’s on that label. At our hair salon in Clifton Park we make sure all of our stylists understand this. One significant example of this is toners– some may require different application times than others, so make sure to read your labels and give your skin the special attention it deserves. After all, a good skincare routine starts with meticulousness!
So, how long should you leave the toner in for? The answer depends on a few factors – your hair color and type. If you have light hair, start with 5 minutes and work up to 20. Leave the toner in for 10-20 minutes if you have dark hair. And if you have very damaged hair, leave the toner in for at most 5 minutes. Always follow the instructions on the package – some toners require different application times. Now that we’ve covered all of that, it’s time to put our knowledge into practice!
Have you mastered your own toner technique? Share below!