Lawrenceville ga lawyers are experienced in a wide variety of legal issues. They can help you with your divorce, child custody, and estate planning needs. They can also defend you from criminal charges. If you are arrested for DUI in Lawrenceville, you can request a hearing with the Department of Driver Services to challenge your…

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This resource examines the second phase of mediation, that happens when you and your ex-spouse have attended MIAMs and are beginning joint mediation sessions. What happens when there are just child custody issues? When mediation is necessary only to address child-related difficulties, the mediator’s goal is to assist separated parents effectively move ahead. Although Countrywide…

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No one enters into a divorce lightly. It is almost always a difficult and painful experience. However, with the right information, you can make it through. You will need to go through many legal processes, and there is a good chance that you will experience some emotional turmoil as well. Make sure to consult with…

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